Ethics and Human Rights

Xstreco values human rights and ethics as essential to our business. We are committed to upholding the rights of people affected by our mining activities while conducting our business in a responsible and ethical manner. As part of the mining industry, we adhere to the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, which provide a framework for responsible business conduct. In addition, we are committed to the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights, which provide guidance on business operations and human rights, particularly the protection of individuals from abuses by security forces.

Xstreco takes these guidelines seriously and has implemented policies and practices to protect human rights. For example, we enforce a strict code of conduct for employees and contractors, provide robust grievance mechanisms to address concerns or complaints effectively and promptly, and adhere to the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights to ensure that our operations do not violate the rights of individuals, including their life, liberty and security, and freedom from discrimination, torture and other abuses. In addition to these policies and practices, we continually seek ways to improve our approach to human rights and ethics.

We are developing new technologies and techniques to monitor and address potential human rights issues in our operations.