Indigenous peoples

Xstreco's commitment to respect the rights and cultural heritage of indigenous peoples and to foster cooperative relationships with these communities.


Xstreco is committed to respecting the rights, traditions and cultural heritage of the indigenous peoples living in the areas where we operate. We recognize the importance of fostering collaborative relationships with these communities to ensure that their voices are heard and their interests are considered in our decision-making processes.

Our approach to engaging with Indigenous peoples is guided by several key principles and initiatives:

Cultural Respect and Sensitivity:

We strive to create a deep understanding and respect for Indigenous cultures, traditions and histories within our organization. This includes providing cultural awareness training to our employees and ensuring that our operations respect and accommodate the unique cultural practices of Indigenous communities.

Consultation and Engagement:

We actively engage with indigenous communities in the planning, development and operation of our projects. We seek to establish an open and transparent dialogue with community leaders and members to ensure that their concerns and interests are considered throughout the decision-making process.

Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC):

We are committed to obtaining the free, prior and informed consent of indigenous communities for any activities that may directly affect their lands, resources or cultural heritage. This includes ensuring that communities have access to the information they need to make informed decisions and that their consent is obtained through culturally appropriate processes.

Benefit Sharing and Economic Opportunities:

We aim to create shared value for indigenous communities by providing access to economic opportunities and supporting initiatives that contribute to their long-term well-being. This may include creating employment opportunities, supporting local businesses, or investing in community development projects.

Protecting Indigenous Rights and Interests:

We are committed to upholding the rights of indigenous peoples as set out in international and national laws and frameworks, such as the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). This includes respecting their rights to self-determination, land and resources, and cultural preservation.

Monitoring and Evaluation:

We continually monitor and evaluate our engagement with Indigenous communities to ensure that our efforts are effective, culturally appropriate and consistent with our commitments. This includes seeking feedback from community members and incorporating their perspectives into our ongoing efforts to improve our engagement practices.