Economic Contributions

Xstreco works with the communities it serves to identify the needs of each community and find ways to meet those needs.


Mining has been a vital global industry for centuries, evolving over time to provide employment opportunities, generate revenue for governments, and supply essential raw materials for daily life. As a progressive mining company, Xstreco is committed to making a positive economic contribution to the communities in which we operate. We believe that mining can be a catalyst for sustainable growth, and we actively support local communities through the creation of lasting partnerships and the development of social investment plans.

To achieve these goals, we have implemented community strategies at each of our sites. We prioritize sustainable partnerships with local communities and develop social investment plans that ensure our operations generate lasting benefits. Xstreco is committed to improving the health, wealth and standard of living in these communities by creating lasting benefits that continue after our operations have ceased. Our commitment to community development extends to providing employment opportunities for the unemployed and underprivileged, supporting education for the children of our employees, and ensuring access to healthcare for our employees and their families. In addition, we help improve community infrastructure by facilitating access to clean water and electricity.

The mining industry is experiencing significant growth in developing countries, driven by the presence of untapped natural resources. These countries rely on foreign investment and mining expertise to develop their mineral wealth. At Xstreco, we work with governments in developing countries to strengthen their economies and create employment opportunities. By partnering with international donors, NGOs and other stakeholders, we provide critical assistance that empowers those living in poverty to improve their quality of life.